1 February 2024

1 February 2024

Why choose Cranfield IT Solutions over other IT service providers?

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Why choose Cranfield IT Solutions over other IT service providers? Well, we’re not like the rest. Many providers offer fixed-term, fully managed solutions that may not always be the best fit for your unique business. They often don’t cater to smaller budgets or startup needs and they want to sell you all of their technical stack charged monthly with a focus on hard selling you on why you need what they are offering.

This may look like the following:

1. Managed Security Services (MSS)

2. Managed Network Services (MNS)

3. Managed Infrastructure Services (MIS)

4. Managed Hosting Services (MHS)

5. Managed Backup and Disaster Recovery Services (MBDR)

6. Managed Unified Communications Services (MUCS)

7. Managed Endpoint Security Services (MESS)

8. Managed Cloud Services (MCS)

9. Managed Data Center Services (MDCS)

10. Managed IT Support Services.

11. Managed broadband

12. Managed VOIP

Our unique approach sets us apart from others in the industry – we are technicians first and foremost, focused on providing excellent solution focused service rather than pushing sales. We strive to treat our customers with the same respect and care that we would want for ourselves. So we offer pay-as-you-go options instead of rigid contracts, and we don’t push specific technology stacks onto our clients such as the above. Our goal is to find the right solution for you, not the easiest or readily available option, even if it means partnering with new suppliers to get to the result required.

Although we do provide managed services to those that would most benefit from it, we strive to offer flexibility in our delivery. This means that you have the option to pay for managed endpoint protection and backup monthly and then opt for pay-as-you-go support. Alternatively, you can choose to bundle all three managed services in various payment structures. You can opt for block hours and replenish when needed, or you can select a fixed monthly fee through direct debit for comprehensive remote and onsite support.  We focus on only providing the services you need rather than selling a complete stack of services. So often we see small companies paying monthly for services that they really don’t need or have little benefit.

We act as IT contractors, providing personalized service with one dedicated contact for all your IT needs. This means no bouncing around different departments or waiting on support tickets.  The contractor assigned to you will deal with all the third parties necessary behind the scenes to deliver the solution. We prioritize excellent service over quick profits, so we carefully choose the projects that align with our values.

Because we operate in this way, we are not afraid to turn down work that is not the right fit for both the client and our business. This unique approach sets us apart from other IT service providers who may be solely focused on making a profit and taking every opportunity coming their way. Our priority is delivering exceptional service and solutions to our clients, rather than just making a quick buck, so its important to us that we take on the right jobs, and do it in the right way, which is the fundamental reason why we are so Highley rated online.

Additionally, another factor that sets us apart is our collaborative approach. We do not view other IT companies as competitors, we consider them as friends. In fact, we often collaborate with these companies by working on white-labeled projects on their behalf. Over the years, we have built strong relationships with many managed IT providers, enabling us to gain a deep understanding of what works and what doesn’t in the IT industry.

We only sell and support solutions that we would pay for and use ourselves. Our culture promotes practicing what we preach.

So If you are in need of an IT contractor to assist with any challenges, whether it’s a small laptop issue or a larger business project, contact us to see how we can help.

Email: matt@cranfielditsolutions.co.uk